Monday, October 8, 2018

Hike of the Week

I think it’s time to launch into the actuality of this would be could be advice page(s). But before I get started I have to again nail down and define what exactly the goal of this page is. I want you as the reader to think unequivocally as the “Lazy Hiker” as the end all be all of whatever this is. So what is  this weekly engagement or what’s it gonna be?

 As I said before, I want to keep proverbial “laziness” as the centralized theme when exploring outdoor activities. What I mean is, think accessible, think “doable,” think could my debilitated mother (go back a few blogs) handle this and would it be worth her effort to do so?

To accomplish this I am going to take from my own outdoor hikes, bikes, boats, and the likes both local and maybe sometimes a few from the manifest destiny files in order to steer you, the reader, toward some of the best and most “doable” (see above definition) ones. I will then make my weekly suggested activity (hopefully every Monday) for you, said reader.

The first one I chose is a favorite for a variety of reasons. One of which is that, if done correctly, you can achieve a whole new level of laziness that your basement bound stoner brother would be proud of.

Recently, I went to Elbel golf course located in South Bend, Indiana with the intention of renting a golf cart and exploring the grounds. I was told the golf carts are for golfers which I am emphatically not so I was denied the aforementioned cart. In order to circumvent this most terrible of occurrences a second time I departed and returned with a set of clubs borrowed from a confidant of mine. Enough of that, I left, I came back, I lied, I got the cart. So tip no. 1, lie. Also bring clubs (your dad should have some in the garage). After procuring the cart I spent the next few hours exploring the grounds as subtly as possible.

The views at Elbel are amazing, not to mention it is one of the rarest marshes in Indiana. There is so much wildlife (including many, many Sandhill cranes) that one might think they were at a zoo sans prison bars. And again, you can accomplish all this sightseeing at the cost of a cart rental which I highly recommend because if you’re going to walk the whole place, then you’re defeating the purpose of this whole thing. LAZY hiker. (I was really tempted to say “out” here instead of just a “.” but I just don’t think I’m ready to be that guy.)

If  it's Monday and you're reading this and it did its job of compelling you to go on this weeks suggested activity, do me a favor and comment below.

If you enjoy my blog, click this link to find more interesting hikes in the Michiana area.

Photo: Myself